
On the right hand side below you can follow our links to learn more about each of our product lines. Alternatively contact us for any questions.
Science technology concept. Research and Development. Drug discovery.

Product Lines

Qemi offers a complete line uniquely formulated water soluble polymers designed to address the broad range of needs for economical and efficient liquid/solid separation processes.

One of our specialties is in the Sugar industry, where we additionally provide an entire spectrum products for your cane sugar processing needs.  In the Pulp and Paper industry we are very successful with wet-end chemistry, process water clarification, defoamer technologies, and influent/effluent treatments.

Qemi has created unique formulations of specialty chemicals and polymer technologies to respond effectively to the needs of industrial cooling tower, boiler, and wastewater treatments.

In potable water treatment, we provide a treatment program of NSF certified products to help meet the worldwide demand for high-quality water.

From our experience in industrial applications, many of which require process foam control, we have a wide range of oil based, water based and silicone based antifoams to mitigate and control foam in those processes.

Please review all our product lines or contact us for specific specialty chemical needs.